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G=Graduate student, U=Undergraduate student

Stacy, E. A. and R. Ostertag. Niche conservatism and sympatric parallel evolution may help to maintain eight nascent tree taxa along a sharp elevation gradient. (in review).

MadhaniG, H., R. Rabeler, G. Heubl, E. Stacy, N. Madhani, and S. Zarre. Evolutionary dynamics in Irano-Anatolian and Caucasus biodiversity hotspots: Evolutionary radiation and its drivers in Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae). (in review)

Rose, J. P. , B. Li, M. J. Sporck-Koehler, E. A. Stacy, K. R. Wood, E. M. Lemmon, A. Lemmon, C. Ané, K. J. Sytsma, and T. J. Givnish. Phylogenomics of the tetraploid Hawaiian lobeliads: implications for their origin, dispersal history, and adaptive radiation (in review).

Stankowski, S., A. D. Cutter, I. Satokangas, B. A. Lerch, J. Rolland, C. M. Smadja, J. C. Segami  Marzal, C. R. Cooney, P. G. D. Feulner, F. M. C. Bicalho Domingos, H. L. North, R. Yamaguchi, R. K. Butlin, J. B. W. Wolf, J. Coughlan, P. Heidbreder, R. Hernández-Gutiérrez, K. B. Barnard-Kubow, D. Peede, L. Rancilhac, R. B. Salvador, K. A. Thompson, E. A. Stacy, L. C. Moyle, M. D. Garlovsky, A. Maulana, A. Kantelinen, N. Ivalú Cacho, H. Schneemann, M. Domínguez, E. B. Dopman, K. Lohse, S. J. Rometsch, A. A. Comeault, R. M. Merrill, E. S. C. Scordato, S. Singha, V. Pärssinen, A. C. R. Lackey, S. Kumar, J. I. Meier, N. H. Barton, C. Fraïsse, M. Ravinet, and J. Kulmuni. 2024.  Toward the integration of speciation research. Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society 3.

SeeleyG, M., Stacy, E. A., Martin, R. E., and Asner, G. P. 2023. Can spectroscopy characterize functional genetic variation across fine spatial and taxonomic scales?  Insights from Metrosideros polymorpha on Hawaii Island. Oecologia

HadiG, M. and E. A. Stacy. 2023. An optimized RNA extraction method for diverse leaves of the hyper-APPS journal covervariable tree species complex, Hawaiian Metrosideros. Applications in Plant Sciences

FezzaG, T. J., M. M. Siderhurst, E. B. Jang, E. A. Stacy, and D. K. Price. 2022. Phenotypic disruption of cuticular hydrocarbon production in hybrids between sympatric species of Hawaiian picture-wing Drosophila. Scientific Reports 12: 4865.

Wolkis, D., Walsh, S. K., Barnes, C. J., Stacy, E. A., and N. Rønsted. 2022. Variation in germination traits inform conservation planning of Hawai’i’s foundational ‘ōhi’a trees. Journal of Sustainable Forestry.

Choi, J. Y., X. Dai, O. Alam, J. Z. Peng, P. Rughani, S. Hickey, E. Harrington, S. Juul, J. Ayroles, M. Purugganan, and E. A. Stacy. 2021. Ancestral polymorphisms shape the adaptive radiation of Metrosideros across the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (37) e2023801118.

Barton, K., A. Westerband, R. Ostertag, E. Stacy, D. Drake, C. Litton, K. Winter, S. Cordell, L. Fortini, G. Bennett, P. Krushelnycky, K. Kawelo, K. Feliciano, and T. Knight. 2021. Hawai’i forest review: Synthesizing the ecology, evolution, and conservation of a model system. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 52: 125631.

SurG, G. L., G. Zahn, and E. A. Stacy. 2021. Examination of host-taxon, environment, and distance effects on leaf fungal endophytes in the dominant woody genus, Metrosideros, on Oʻahu. Fungal Ecology 53: 101093.

Stacy, E. A. and M. A. Johnson. 2021. Floral variation across an elevational gradient in the landscape-dominant tree Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae): insights from a Hawaii Island common garden. International Journal of Plant Sciences 182: 46-58.

LuizG, B. E. A. Stacy, and L. M. Keith. 2021. Screening of Metrosideros polymorpha (‘ōhi‘a) varieties for resistance to Ceratocystis lukuohia. Forest Pathology 51:e12656. DOI: 10.1111/efp.12656.

Origins of Adaptive Radiation. AGA 2018. Discover the 2018 Symposium Issue.

Gillespie, R. G., G. M. Bennett, L. De Meester, J. L. Feder, R. C. Fleischer, L. J. Harmon, A. P. Hendry, M. L. Knope, J. Mallet, C. Martin, C. E. Parent, A. H. Patton, K. S. Pfennig, D. Rubinoff, D. Schluter, O. Seehausen, K. L. Shaw, E. Stacy, M. Stervander, J. T. Stroud, C. Wagner, G. O. U. Wogan. 2020. Comparing adaptive radiations across space, time, and taxa. Symposium Issue; Journal of Heredity 111: 1-20.

Stacy, E. A., T. SakishimaG, H. TharpU, and N. Snow. 2020. Isolation of Metrosideros (`Ohi`a) taxa on O`ahu increases with elevation and extreme environments. Symposium Issue; Journal of Heredity 111: 103-118.

Choi, J. Y., M. Purugganan, and E. A. Stacy. 2020. Divergent selection and primary gene flow shape incipient speciation of a riparian tree on Hawaii Island. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37: 695-710.

Dupuis, J. R., Y. Pillon, T. SakishimaG, C. E. C. Gemmill, S. Chamala, W. B. Barbazuk, S. M. Geib, and E. A. Stacy. 2019. Targeted amplicon sequencing of 40 nuclear genes supports a single introduction and rapid radiation of Hawaiian Metrosideros (Myrtaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 305: 961-974.

Stacy, E. A. and T. SakishimaG. 2019. Phylogeography of the highly dispersible landscape-dominant woody species complex, Metrosideros, in Hawaii. Journal of Biogeography 46: 2215-2231.

EkarG, J. M., D. K. Price, M. A. Johnson, and E. A. Stacy. 2019. Varieties of the highly dispersible and hypervariable tree, Metrosideros polymorpha, differ in response to mechanical stress and light across a sharp ecotone. American Journal of Botany 106: 1106-1115. HIGHLIGHTED ARTICLE

Johnson, M. A., Y. Pillon, T. SakishimaG, D. K. Price and E. A. Stacy. 2019. Multiple colonizations, hybridization and uneven diversification in Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) lineages on Hawaii Island. Journal of Biogeography 46:1178-1196. 

Pillon, Y., E. Stacy, and J. Meyer. 2018. Phylogenetics and systematics of the South Polynesian genera Apetahia and Sclerotheca (Campanulaceae subfam. Lobelioideae). Botany Letters 165:186-192.

SurU, G., R. Keating, N. Snow, and E. A. Stacy. 2018. Leaf micromorphology aids taxonomic delineation within the hypervariable genus Metrosideros (Myrtaceae) on O’ahu. Pacific Science 72: 345-361.

Stacy, E. A., B. ParitoshU, M. A. JohnsonU, and D. K. Price. 2017. Incipient ecological speciation between successional varieties of a dominant tree involves intrinsic postzygotic isolating barriers. Ecology and Evolution

Kang, L., R. Settlage, W. McMahon, K. Michalak, H. Tae, H. R. Garner, E. Stacy, D. Price, and P. Michalak. 2016. Genomic signatures of speciation in sympatric and allopatric Hawaiian picture-winged Drosophila. Genome Biology and Evolution 8: 1482-1488.hdy_117_3_cover

Stacy, E. A., J. B. Johansen, T. Sakishima, and D. K. Price. 2016. Genetic analysis of an ephemeral intraspecific hybrid zone in the hypervariable tree, Metrosideros polymorpha, on Hawai’i Island. Heredity 117: 173-183.

JohnsonG, M. A., D. K. Price, J. P. Price, and E. A. Stacy. 2015. Strong post-zygotic reproductive barrier isolate sympatric species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) in Hawaiian wet forest understories. American Journal of Botany 102: 1870-1882. HIGHLIGHTED ARTICLE

Hopkins, H. C. F., Y. Pillon, E. A. Stacy, and J. Kellermann. 2015. Jaffrea, a new genus of Rhamnaceae endemic to New Caledonia, with notes on Alphitonia and Emmenosperma. Kew Bulletin 70 (42).

Pillon, Y., E. Lucas, J. B. Johansen, T. SakishimaG, B. Hall, S. Geib, and E. A. Stacy. 2015. An expanded Metrosideros (Myrtaceae) to include Carpolepis and Tepualia based on nuclear genes. Systematic Botany 40: 782-790.

Pillon, Y., H. C. F. Hopkins, L. Barrabé, and E. A. Stacy. 2014. A new record for Carpodetus (Rousseaceae) in Vanuatu. New Zealand Journal of Botany 52: 449-452.

Pillon, Y., J. Johansen, T. SakishimaG, S. ChamalaG, W. B. Barbazuk, and E. NewPhytologistCover2014Stacy. 2014. Primers for low-copy nuclear genes in Metrosideros and cross-amplification in Myrtaceae. Applications in Plant Sciences 2 (10) 1400049.

Pillon, Y., H. C. F. Hopkins, F. Rigault, T. Jaffre, and E. A. Stacy. 2014. Cryptic adaptive radiation in tropical forest trees in New Caledonia. New Phytologist 202: 521-530.

MorrisonG, K. R. and E. A. Stacy. 2014. Intraspecific divergence and evolution of a life-history trade-off along a successional gradient in Hawaii’s Metrosideros polymorpha. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 1192-1204.

Stacy, E. A., J. B. Johansen, T. SakishimaG, D. K. Price, Y. Pillon. 2014. HDY_113.4_coverIncipient radiation within the dominant Hawaiian tree Metrosideros polymorpha. Heredity 113: 334-342.

Pillon, Y., J. B. Johansen, T. SakishimaG, E. H. Roalson, D. K. Price, and E. A. Stacy. 2013. Gene discordance in phylogenomics of recent plant radiations, an example from Hawaiian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69: 293-298.

DeBoerG, N.and E. A. Stacy. 2013. Divergence within and among three varieties of the endemic tree, ‘ōhi’a lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha) on the eastern slope of Hawai’i Island. Journal of Heredity 104: 449-458.

Pillon, Y. J. Johansen, T. SakishimaG, S. ChamalaG, W. Brad Barbazuk, and E. JHERED_104_4_Front_CoverA. Stacy. 2013. Primers for low-copy nuclear genes in the Hawaiian endemic Clermontia (Campanulaceae) and cross-amplification in Lobelioideae. Applications in Plant Sciences 1: 1200450.

Pillon, Y., J. Johansen, T. SakishimaG, S. ChamalaG, W. Brad Barbazuk, E. H. Roalson, D. K. Price and E. A. Stacy. 2013. Potential use of low-copy nuclear genes in DNA barcoding: a comparison with plastid genes in two Hawaiian plant radiations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 35.

SouzaG, E., P. Follett, D. K. Price, and E. Stacy. 2008. Field Suppression of the Invasive Ant Wasmannia auropunctata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a Tropical Fruit Orchard in Hawai`i. Journal of Economic Entomology 101: 1068-1074.

Crawford, N. G., C. Hagen, H. F. Sahli, E. A. Stacy, and T. C. Glenn. 2008. Fifteen polymorphic microsatellite loci from Hawaii’s Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtales: Myrtaceae), a model species for ecology and evolution. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 308–310.

Stacy, E. A. and J. L. Hamrick. 2004. CTFS plots facilitate studies of tree breeding systems: examples from Barro Colorado Island. In Forest Diversity and Dynamism: Findings from a Network of Large -Scale Tropical Forest Plots. E. C. Losos and E. G. Leigh, Jr. [eds.], University of Chicago Press.

Stacy, E. A. 2001. Cross-fertility in two tropical tree species: evidence of inbreeding depression within populations and genetic divergence among populations. American Journal of Botany 88: 1041-1051.

Stacy, E. A., S. Dayanandan, B. Dancik, and P. D. Khasa. 2001. Novel microsatellite DNA markers for the Sri Lankan tree species, Shorea cordifolia (Dipterocarpaceae) and cross-species amplification in S. megistophylla. Molecular Ecology Notes 1: A20.

Stacy, E. A., I. A. U. N. Gunatilleke, C. V. S. Gunatilleke, S. Dayanandan, C. J. Schneider, and P. D. Khasa. 2001. Crossing barriers within rainforest tree species can arise over small geographic scales. Pp. 581-584 In Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi.

Stacy, E. A., S. Harischandran, and I. A. U. N. Gunatilleke. 1999. Reproductive ecology of Syzygium rubicundum Wight and Arn. (Myrtaceae) in selectively logged forest in Sinharaja World Heritage Site. The Sri Lankan Forester 23: 18-29.

Primack, R. B. and E. A. Stacy. 1998. Cost of reproduction in the Pink Lady’s Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium acaule): an eleven-year experimental study of three populations.  American Journal of Botany 85: 1672-1679.

Parker, K. C., J. L. Hamrick, A. J. Parker, and E. A. Stacy. 1997. Allozyme diversity in Pinus virginiana (Pinaceae): Intraspecific and interspecific comparisons.  American Journal of Botany 84: 1372-1382.

Primack, R. B. and E. A. Stacy. 1997. Women ecologists catching up in productivity, but only when they join the race.  Bioscience 47: 169-174.

Stacy, E. A., J. L. Hamrick, J. D. Nason, S. P. Hubbell, R. B. Foster, and R. Condit. 1996. Pollen dispersal in low-density populations of three Neotropical tree species.  The American Naturalist 148: 275-298.

