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Elizabeth Stacy (PI) – I have been fascinated by the origin of tree species ever since my first visit to the Peruvian Amazon decades ago.  As such, my research centers on the problems of population divergence and speciation of long-lived woody taxa.  My studies are based in Hawai’i, an evolutionary hotspot where ongoing species radiations allow examination of divergence at multiple stages of the speciation process.  New Face at UNLV:


Kassandra Conner – Greenhouse/Common Garden Manager

Maryam Hadi – Ph.D. candidate: My master’s degree was focused on differential gene expression of Arabidopsis mutants under abiotic stresses. This made me think about the origin of this differentiation and in a broader view how changes in gene expression relate to adaptation and diversification across environments. After joining the Stacy lab, I was acquainted with Metrosideros as an example of adaptive radiation. This tree has adapted to a broad range of environments within Hawaii, and its taxa are exceptionally diverse morphologically, phenotypically, and physiologically. For my dissertation, I am studying variation in gene expression across differentially adapted Metrosideros taxa and plan to examine the evolution of gene families associated with adaptation to abiotic stress.


Maryam Hadi

Hossein Madhani – Ph.D. candidate: I became deeply interested in plant evolution during my undergraduate years at the University of Tehran (UT). So I pursued my education as a master’s student in plant science under the supervision of Dr. Shahin Zarre at UT and worked on the molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of a relativity large group of flowering plants inside the “pink” or carnation family (Caryophyllaceae Lam. & DC.). After that, I continued my research on the diversification dynamics of this interesting group of plants as a research assistant at Dr. Zarre’s lab. I joined Dr. Stacy’s lab in 2021 as a Ph.D. student to work on the genetic basis of speciation by studying the evolution of reproductive barriers in Hawaiian Metrosideros Banks ex Gaertn. (family Myrtaceae Juss.). I am particularly interested in the genetic basis of hybrid necrosis (a common type of hybrid incompatibility in plants) in crosses between two varieties of Hawaiian Metrosideros and the role of incompatibility in resistance genes (R-genes) in the evolution of this phenomenon. I am using a broad range of genomic approaches to look into R-gene diversity across Hawaiian Metrosideros, search for signatures of selection in these genomic regions, and identify loci associated with hybrid necrosis in this amazing group of trees.

Email: Google Scholar

Hossein Madhani

April Wallace – Ph.D. candidate: My master’s research focused on the role of the environment in lichen morphology and reproduction in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. During my time working in this unique environment, I became very interested in plant adaptations to harsh environments and the evolutionary processes that give rise to these adaptations. After joining the Stacy lab, I was introduced to Hawaiian Metrosideros and the complex problem of the evolution of reproductive isolation between sympatric tree populations. Metrosideros is a landscape-dominant woody genus that displays adaptations to the wide range habitats throughout the islands, and shows varying degrees of reproductive isolation between taxa. Many of these populations form hybrid zones that allow for the exploration into the nature of species boundaries. For my PhD research, I am interested in studying reproductive barriers between the partially diverged populations of high-altitude Metrosideros polymorpha var. polymorpha and wet-forest M. polymorpha var. glaberrima, and role of hormones in early divergence.


Zahra Eynizadeh – Ph.D. student: I hold a B.S. in Biology with a specialization in Marine Biology from Shahid Beheshti University (National University of Iran) in Tehran, Iran. During my undergraduate studies, I researched the molecular biology of fish, focusing on their adaptations and physiological responses to extreme environments. I gained experience in RNA extraction, RT-PCR techniques, and field research, and I have also worked in cell culture and cell line establishment. Additionally, I have two years of training in a biochemistry program at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB) at the University of Tehran, where I studied the evolution of molecular dynamics in structurally similar ancestral and descendant bacterial enzymes. The role of tiny molecules in the evolutionary process remains a fascinating mystery to me. My particular interest lies in utilizing cutting-edge molecular biology techniques, including next-generation sequencing technologies, to investigate speciation at the genomic level.


Zahra Eynizadeh

Anthony Lopez – Undergraduate Research Assistant: Embryo development and seed germination in selfed vs. outcrossed pollinations in Hawaiian Metrosideros.  Email:

Anthony Lopez

Cierra Lewis – Undergraduate Research Assistant: Pollen-style interactions in Metrosideros. Email:

Tayler Lam – Undergraduate Research Assistant: Pollen-style interactions in Metrosideros. Email:

Tayler Lam

Lina Alemseged – Undergraduate Research Assistant: Leaf micromorphology in Hawaiian Metrosideros. Email:

Former Lab Members

Tomoko Sakishima, Ph.D., Spring 2024; Dissertation: Plant-plant interaction in early- vs. late-successional varieties of the Hawaiian landscape-dominant tree, Metrosideros polymorpha. Email:

Morgan Rochelle – Greenhouse/Common Garden Manager: 2021-2022

Gary Sur – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Fall 2020; Thesis: A test of host-taxon, environment, and distance effects on leaf fungal endophytes in Metrosideros on the island of Oahu. Email:

Yohan Pillon – Postdoctoral Researcher: 2010-2015; DNA Barcoding, population genetics, phylogeny, and systematics of Hawaiian/Pacific plants.  Currently: Laboratoire des Symbioses Tropicales et Méditerranéennes, Montpellier, France.  Email:

Jennifer Johansen – Field Technician: 2008-2016; DNA Barcoding and Metrosideros projects

Blaine Luiz – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Fall 2017; Thesis: Understanding the causal agent of ʻŌhiʻa Wilt, Ceratocystis sp. nov. A: Growth, Morphology, and Differential Host Resistance (in collaboration with Dr. Lisa Keith, USDA-ARS, Hilo, HI).  Email:

Tomoko Sakishima – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Summer 2015; Thesis: Local adaptation of the Hawaiian endemic tree (Metrosideros polymorpha) across a long elevation gradient. Email:

Jill Ekar – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Spring 2015; Thesis: Drivers of incipient sympatric speciation in a long-lived tree in a riparian zone.  Email:

Christy Short – UH Hilo TCBES Non-thesis M.S. Spring 2015; Email:

Alicia Rhoades – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Fall 2012; Thesis: The evolution of reproductive isolation within an endemic Hawaiian tree species (Metrosideros polymorpha) across environmental extremes. Email:

Colin Phifer – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Spring 2012; Thesis: Pollination ecology of dioecious kanawao in a naturally fragmented forest on East Hawaii Island. Email:

Melissa Johnson – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Fall 2011; Thesis: Evolution of reproductive isolating barriers within Hawaiian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae): the roles of allopatry and reinforcement. Email:

Keenan Morrison – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Summer 2011; Thesis: Intraspecific divergence and a life-history trade-off along a successional gradient within Hawaii’s Metrosideros polymorpha. Email:

Springer Kaye – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Spring 2011; Thesis: Variation in stable isotope signatures among introduced rats in a naturally fragmented landscape. Email:

Douglas Powless – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Summer 2011; Thesis: Evolution of ‘Ohi’a (Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud.) across Hawaii’s island-age gradient. Email:

Nicholas DeBoer – UH Hilo TCBES M.S. Summer 2010; Thesis: The roles of elevation, distance, and phenotype on the neutral genetic structure of Metrosideros polymorpha on east Hawai`i Island. Email:

Undergraduate Students

  • Ms. Jaclyn Martinez – Research Assistant, UNLV; fall 2020 – spring 2023
  • Mr. Juan Mondragon – Research Assistant, UNLV; fall 2020 – fall 2023
  • Ms. Rosalie Chaleunsouck – Research Assistant, UNLV; fall 2019 – spring 2023
  • Mr. Sarem Khilji – Research Assistant, UNLV; fall 2020 – spring 2022
  • Mr. Luka Skrinjaric – Research Assistant, UNLV; summer 2018 – fall 2022
  • Ms. Nicole Stankiewicz – Research Assistant, UNLV; summer 2018 – spring 2021
  • Mr. Morgan Arias – Research Assistant, UNLV; spring 2018 – fall 2019
  • Ms. Meagan Benson – Research Assistant, UNLV; spring 2018 – summer 2019
  • Ms. Raven-Joie Reyes – Research Assistant, UNLV; spring 2018 – spring 2019
  • Ms. Heaven Tharp – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; fall 2017 – spring 2018
  • Mr. Alexander Dietrick – Research Assistant, UNLV; fall 2017 – summer 2018
  • Ms. Laine Adams – Research Assistant, UNLV; spring – summer 2017
  • Mr. Jesse Leavitt – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; fall 2015 – spring 2016
  • Ms. Marilyn Yamamoto – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; fall 2015
  • Mr. Eric Taylor – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; summer 2015 – spring 2016
  • Ms. Angalee Kirby – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; summer 2015 – spring 2016
  • Ms. Heather Coad – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; fall 2014
  • Ms. Merritt Burch – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; fall 2014 – spring 2015
  • Mr. Matthew Lodge – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; summer 2014 – spring 2015
  • Mr. Matthew Force – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; summer – fall 2013
  • Mr. Gary Sur – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; summer 2013 – summer 2015
  • Mr. Timothy Sullivan – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; summer 2012 – summer 2013
  • Mr. Alex Kim – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; fall 2010 – summer 2011
  • Ms. Ala Malia Leka – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; fall 2010 – fall 2011; Directed Studies Student, fall 2011
  • Mr. Mark Kapono – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; spring 2009
  • Ms. Katherine Miller – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; spring 2009 – spring 2010, fall 2010
  • Ms. Hope Deghani – Directed Studies Student, UH Hilo; fall 2009
  • Mr. Charles Warr – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; fall 2008 – spring 2010
  • Ms. Tomoko Sakishima – Research Assistant, UH Hilo; spring 2008
  • Ms. Melissa Johnson – NSF RIG Research Assistant, UH Hilo; fall 2007, spring 2008
  • Ms. Katherine `Alohi Gronquist – Keaholoa STEM Intern, UH Hilo; spring – fall 2007
  • Mr. Davin Vicente – Keaholoa STEM Intern, UH Hilo; spring 2007
  • Ms. Meagan Selvig – NSF RIG Research Assistant, UH Hilo; spring 2007
  • Ms. Kainana Sachi Francisco – Keaholoa STEM Intern, UH Hilo; fall 2006
  • Ms. Kainana Sachi Francisco, Ms. Jennifer Johansen, Ms. Bhama Paritosh – NSF RIG Research Assistants, UH Hilo; summer, fall 2006
  • Mr. Jack Freitas – NSF REU Intern, UH Hilo; summer 2006
  • Mr. Conrad Martin – Keaholoa STEM Intern, UH Hilo; spring 2006
  • Mr. Keolahou Vincent – Keaholoa STEM Intern, UH Hilo; spring 2006
  • Ms. Jill Walker – Marine Science Intern, UH Hilo; fall 2005, spring 2006
  • Ms. Jennifer Johansen – NSF REU Intern; summer 2005; Directed Studies Student; fall 2005
  • Ms. Harshi Gamage, Ms. Hema Breckenridge, Mr. Selvadurai Harischandran; University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; 1997-1998

High School Students

  • Mr. Kawika Nihipali; NSF RAHSS Intern (Summer 2014)
  • Ms. Juniper Ozbolt; NSF RAHSS Intern (Summer 2014)
  • Ms. Crystal-Lynn Baysa; Senior Legacy Project; Kamehameha Schools (Fall 2014)
